In which is recounted Sancho’s lies and more enchantments

After my duel with the giant, I was feeling pretty good about myself. I was sleeping quite peacefully when Sancho woke me up with the most incredulous lies. He tried to tell me that Princess Micomiconia isn’t actually a princess. How dare he! He also told me that I did not really slay a giant and that it was some wineskins.

Oh no, no, no, I know a giant when I see one and I most definitely did kill a giant. I don’t know what he is talking about and why he insists on lying to me! Idiot squire, what is wrong with you?! Why can’t you see by now that our lives are under such great enchantments so that they cloud the truth and confuse us.

I then approached Princess Micomiconia to find out the truth. Indeed she is a princess and is still in need of my assistance.

I am furious with Sancho for his lies and fear I cannot handle any more of this castle’s enchantments.

Until next time,

Don Quixote de La Mancha

Published in: on May 8, 2009 at 1:33 am  Leave a Comment  

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