In which questions regarding the helmet of Mambrino are resolved and other entirely true adventures

gold helmet 2The very knight that I won the helmet of Mambrino from came to the castle today demanding I return his basin. I do not know what he is talking about though. If he wants the helmet back, why is he calling it a basin? And how can he demand things that I rightly won in the spoils of a battle?

It is obvious this poor knight is either enchanted or confused. Even Sancho believes me this time! He is my witness that I have won a battle with this confused knight. The rest of my friends in the castle also support my belief that it is a helmet and not a basin.

He is crazy to think I would give away such a valuable item such as this golden helmet. Who does he think he is, marching into my castle and stealing my things?

After this knight has settled down, another disturbed man comes into the castle. This man demands my arrest for which he says he has a warrant for. Do these men not know who they are talking to? Are they not schooled in the order of chivalry? I don’t understand how they can treat such a famous knight-errant such as I with such little disrespect and honor. They are fools – madmen in states of lunacy.

Thank God, they came to their senses and realized it is impossible to arrest a knight-errant. =)


Published in: on May 8, 2009 at 2:09 am  Leave a Comment  

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