In which recounts Don Quixote’s journey to Toboso and the enchanted Dulcinea

Dulcinea has been enchanted. These evil enchanters are taking away all that matters to me in life, and I’m really getting tired of them. I came to Toboso with Sancho to visit my sweet Dulcinea. Because she is very modest and does not like other people knowing her business, I decided it was best if Sancho go see her first and then bring her to me. I fear that something may possibly be wrong with Sancho. He seems extremely nervous and on edge.

Anyway, while Sancho was fetching my love, I waited patiently for them right outside the town. I could not stop thinking about my love and how I will finally get to see her beautiful face. I feel butterflies in my stomach. I can’t believe the day has come when I get to see Dulcinea in person! I hope she is everything I believe she is.

As I was lost in my thoughts, Sancho came running from town saying he found her and she was approaching with two of her friends. I tried to look for her but all I saw were peasant girls. Where was my Dulcinea? This surely could not be her!

Then it hit me, she too had been enchanted. Just as my the evil enchanters enchanted me and Sancho, it was now her turn. Sancho was addressing a smelly ugly looking peasant girl as Dulcinea and it came to me that this indeed was Dulcinea but I could not recognize her because of the enchantments.

They have denied me the pleasure of seeing my love this time. But next time I come to Toboso I will renounce my knighthood and maybe then I will be able to see her true beauty! 


Published in: on May 8, 2009 at 7:16 pm  Leave a Comment  

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