In which recounts when Don Quixote was reunited with his squire as well as the the new fame of this valiant knight

Today Sancho came to my home to see me. It feels like forever since I’ve seen my good friend and squire. I inquired about my reputation in the village because I wanted to know if I was famous yet. Sancho told me some people thought I was a madman and that someone had published a book of our previous adventures.

Finally! Some recognition and some fame. I was waiting for the day when all the people in La Mancha and Spain would know my name and that day has finally come! I’m sure the writer is a sage enchanter who followed me on my adventures and put every detail of them in this book. But, Sancho says the writer is a moor named Cide Hamete Benegali. This is quite strange because I do not know who this moor is and what his interest in the order of chivalry is. I’m not sure what to think of this, as I know for a fact that moors never tell the truth.

Sancho then brought a scholar by the name of Sanson Carrasco to me to tell me more about this moor and the book. Sanson confirms what Sancho says and adds that the book has been translated into many languages around the world. Now all of the world will know of the great Don Quixote de La Mancha!


Published in: on May 8, 2009 at 6:41 am  Leave a Comment  

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