Regarding Don Quixote’s stay in La Mancha

I am not aware how long it has been since I have returned to La Mancha. My niece and housekeeper have healed my wounds and fed me well. I have enjoyed my stay at home very much and I have found myself sometimes questioning my intentions of being a knight-errant. I feel confused and lost and I’m not sure if I should return to my life here.  What I do know is that I miss my Dulcinea. As soon as I am healthy again I vow to visit her. If only the enchanter had left me my books. Reading gives me a certain pleasure I can’t describe. I guess I will send my housekeeper out to buy more…

Until my next adventure?

Don Quixote de La Mancha 


Published in: on May 8, 2009 at 3:58 am  Leave a Comment  

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