Regarding Sancho’s wages and Don Quixote and Sancho’s final journey

bag_of_moneyToday Sancho came over to discuss the last details of our next journey. Once again, he brought up his wages and wants me to fix them to give him (more like Teresa) a sense of stability for our trip. I don’t know how many times I’ve told him that knights do not fix their squire’s wages, and it is not a respectable thing to ask for. Especially now that I’m famous, I do not need Sancho by my side, I’m sure I could find a better squire than Sancho that will be willing to serve me without fixed wages.

Now I will tell you a secret, if you promise to be quiet about it….

What I haven’t told Sancho is how much money I have given to him in my will. Knight-errantry aside, I know that a man cannot make a living without money. Therefore, I have left him more than enough money to be able to support his family and live a comfortable lifestyle. As much of an idiot that he is, I love my squire and loyal friend.

After Sancho agreed to come along, I told him my plan to visit Dulcinea in Toboso. I am so eager to see my love that we have planned on setting out tomorrow.


The most famous knight in all of Spain,

Don Quixote de La Mancha

Published in: on May 8, 2009 at 6:20 pm  Leave a Comment  

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