Regarding the strange adventure that befell Don Quixote and the courageous Knight of the Mirrors

The strangest thing happened to me today. I was resting in the woods with Sancho trying to catch up on some sleep when I met another knight who called himself Knight of the Wood. I could tell he was a courageous and valiant knight because he was talking about his ladylove, some woman by the name of Casildea de Vandalia. This of course is what all knights-errant do in their free time. I thought it would only be right if I had a discussion with him about knight-errantry and the order of chivalry. Sancho and his squire went away to discuss squirely things I guess while I sat down to talk to him.

In our conversation, the Knight of the Wood talked much about his lady and how she is the most beautiful princess on earth. Hah, if only he knew Dulcinea, for her beauty is not even comparable to another woman’s. Anyway, so he began telling me that his lady has sent him into the world to have all other knights proclaim her beauty. He went on to tell me that Don Quixote de La Mancha was his greatest conquest and he professed Casildea was more beautiful than Dulcinea. In his mind because Don Quixote has conquered all the knights in the world, he he has similarly done so by conquering Don Quixote.

I could not even concentrate on his words I was so infuriated! Don Quixote de La Mancha proclaim another woman more beautiful than Casildea?! Never! Ugh, it must be another stupid enchantment for I swear on my love Dulcinea, I would never utter such words!

It was only right that I challenge him to a duel, the condition of our combat being the vanquished submits to the will of the victor.

I will of course spare you the boring details of how I won this duel. However, I will tell you that this insane knight had changed his name to the Knight of the Mirrors because he wore a costume in which he was covered with mirrors. Also, he came to resemble the scholor whom told me about my published history back in La mancha. I am really getting tired of these enchantments, for I can no longer decipher the truth from madness.


At last he confessed that my sweet Dulcinea’s beauty triumphs all over women in Spain. 


Published in: on May 8, 2009 at 7:24 pm  Leave a Comment  

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