Regarding the truth of Don Quixote’s history…

Now that I have recounted most (the most exciting) of my adventures, the truth will finally be known of my history. Although there are many fake Quixotes and false authors of the Quixote, this blog is the only true story. I suggest, my friends, that you do not read or listen to other versions of my story for they are all manipulated and exaggerated by their respective authors. Even Sancho’s recounting of our history will be sure to have errors due to his horrible memory.

I know there is a man out there by the name of Miguel de Cervantes who insists he has published the only real account of Don Quixote’s history, however he is also mistaken and must be under some silly enchantment. 

Thank you all for reading my story, please feel free to send me any comments of questions!

The one and only,

Don Quixote de La Mancha

Published in: on May 8, 2009 at 8:56 pm  Leave a Comment  

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