Which recounts the strange manner in which Don Quixote de La Mancha was enchanted

I am enchanted and they have put me in some sort of cage from which I cannot escape. A sage tells me that I will return to my village and reunite with my family and marry my love, Dulcinea. I understand that I am enchanted but what I don’t quite get is why I am traveling so slowly. When knights errant are enchanted they usually travel at a very fast speed. I guess this is one of the ways enchantments have changed over the years.

Sancho does not believe that I am enchanted. But when it comes to matters of enchantment, Sancho is not exactly an expert. He says that if I still feel certain bodily functions I cannot be enchanted. He is obviously mistaken.Old_Ox_Cart_at_Knott's_Berry_Place_Buena_Park_Calif_10

Published in: on May 8, 2009 at 3:21 am  Leave a Comment  

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